

Creative Piece


This is a picture of my final piece. It was to big to scan

This is a picture of my final piece. It was to big to scan

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World map printouts

I started with a sheet of blue and green paper, and a template of our world

Killed my management notebook for its cardboard

Killed my management notebook for its cardboard

I then glued the template to cardboard so I could trace it easier

Traced an outline around the continents so I would not cut into them

Traced an outline around the continents so I would not cut into them

I then traced a border around the continents

Continents cut out of the cardboard. Got a blister on my thumb from the scissors cutting through cardboard

Continents cut out of the cardboard. Got a blister on my thumb from the scissors cutting through cardboard

I then cut them out.

Back of the continents

Back of the continents

With the card board templates, I traced the continents onto the green paper.

I used these cardboard pieces to trace each of the continents 4 times

I used these cardboard pieces to trace each of the continents 4 times

After tracing I cut them all out.

My land pieces =)

My land pieces =)

Then I shook them together and threw them onto the blue paper.

My first attempt

My first attempt

My first attempt had all the pieces come out in a pile.

Failure =(

Failure =(

The second attempt was more successful, and I spaced them about abit to make use of the space.

My second attempt was more successful. I spread the continents out abit to create unity and use of space.

My second attempt was more successful. I spread the continents out abit to create unity and use of space.

I then glued them into place

Glued into place

Glued into place

I outlined the continents before adding the content, and this help to make it more striking. 

Outline of the continents. After this i work into it and add the content.

Outline of the continents. After this i work into it and add the content.

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